Monday, December 2, 2013

Beauitful gift for Catherine's Niece in Ontario

I really do think quilter's are the most generous people on earth.  Catherine made this awesome quilt for her niece in Ontario.  She mentioned her niece is a struggling student and Catherine wanted to urge her on and reward her for her hard work with this special gift made just for her.  The best part is Catherine will be delivering this quilt in person for Christmas. Make sure you take pictures of her and the quilt Catherine.

Freehand quilting picking up from the floral motifs in the fabric and throwing in the odd heart for good measure.  Tutti 100% cotton thread and Hobbs 80/20 batting. Catherine used a soft cozy flannel for the backing.


  1. What a pretty quilt! So bright and cheery. I love that flower pattern you quilted Nancy...might have to get that on one of mine :)

  2. Thanks Tanya - it is such a lovely quilt .
