Friday, November 22, 2013

Jubilee Etchings by Maxine

Maxine gives me her quilts and always say's  - "ok do your magic".  Of course the quilter always wants to choose a design that will compliment the quilt - hmm - harder than you may think at times.

This lovely quilt had so much blank space that I tapped into my fill designs and used a combination of many.  The quilting is full custom work using a black poly thread, Hobbs 80/20 batting and many many hours.  Some of you may see this quilt again - keep a watch out for it.


  1. Wow Nancy. That's fantastic! I hope I do get to see this quilt again.

  2. Simply amazing job, Nancy! That is spectacular.

    Tammy (High River)

  3. Wow! Amazing quilting! Again, this quilting shows that you are the best!
