Monday, November 4, 2013

Back in the Studio

Houston was wonderful and you all should make sure you put a trip to the Houston International Quilt Festival on your bucket list if you haven't been and have any interest in quilting at all. I met  the most awesome people - total strangers who quickly turned into friends.

 My classes were wonderful - Linda Taylor is exactly like she is on her videos - very down to earth and so willing to share all her amazing quilting knowledge. Her husband Rick reminded me of my Rick - always there and willing to help.

Dawn Cavanaugh was also a lovely instructor and truly a sincere and caring individual with a great wealth of quilting know how.

Helen Frost whom I took my binding class from has been teaching since 1972 and is such a amazing source of quilting information with a great sense of humor and her love of quilting is so very evident. To give you a hint of Helen's expertise - her quilt was the quilt chosen to be raffled off this year at the festival.

I picked up a few things - my thirties fabrics that I was after for a special family project and a few rulers by Lisa Calle I was after to hopefully improve by cross hatching .  Now I'd better get to work and start plowing through these Christmas quilts that I've promised would be done. 

Thanks everyone who waited to drop off their quilts until I returned - just give me a call to set up a time for drop off.  Hugs to all of you - I love seeing and quilting each and all of your quilts and am so blessed to be able to do what I love to do - QUILT!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, Nancy! I'm already putting Houston 2014 in my calendar . . . what a wonderful experience!
