Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bonnie Hunters "Easy Street" - pieced by Susan L

How about this gorgeous scrappy type quilt?  Wow!  Susan mentioned this was a mystery quilt from Bonnie Hunter's web site.  Now I'm not a big fan of mystery quilts but this one is really really nice.  I don't think it's still available but I'm sure it will be coming out in one of Bonnie's books shortly.

The quilting is a freehand paisley design.  This is a large quilt and I must admit I was paislied out by the time I finished it.  Gorgeous quilt though!



  1. Lovely as always. You are the most consistent I've ever seen with your freehand all over designs. I've got one of these coming up soon. Same colorway. You finished this lovely!

  2. Thanks Valerie - it comes from a number of years of practice. It also helps that I have such awesome quilts to work on.
