Thursday, June 28, 2012

Beach Glass - "Quilt's Made Modern"

I see more and more modern type quilts coming into the studio lately - an interesting trend.  This beauty was pieced by customer Barb and what a great job she did. Barb made this quilt as a gift for a very special occasion coming up in August.

The name of this quilt is "Beach Glass" by Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr from the book "Quilt's Made Modern".

Barb asked for her quilt to be quilted similar to the photo in the book.  The quilting is freehand spirals, using a cream colored poly blend - Isofil by Ackerman, the batting is a Hobbs blend.


  1. Nancy the quilt is beautiful, but your quilting is amazing, what a compliment to the quilt.

  2. I saw this when I was picking up mine, but you wouldn't turn your back long enough so I could sneak away with it. :-) This is gorgeous!!

  3. i love the combination of stripes and circular swirls - makes for a delightful look. You are so creative Nancy. It blows me away how you can come up with a special design for every quilt you do. I'd love to be inside your head......straight lines and you think of swirlS? It's perfect......Jane
