Sunday, January 29, 2012

2011 Adopt a Family Quilt

Each year I share photos of our "Adopt a Family" quilt.  Many of you know that 2 of my friends Betty and Elizabeth and myself started making a quilt as part of an "Adopt a Family" project around 8 years ago.  Last year Elizabeth chose the pattern and called it "Ozark Maple Leaf".  This is the finished quilt.

Just a refresher for those that don't know.  Each year we take turns chosing a pattern and then divide the blocks three ways.  In around October we get together, each with our blocks and spend give or take a half  day compiling the quilt.  I then quilt it and one of the other ladies finishes it up with the binding.  Craig the owner of Dynamic Drilling Fluids (where we all worked together at one time and started this project)  - Betty and Liz still work there.  Anyway back to the story - Craig contributes cash to the project and the ladies with list in hand go out and gather gifts and a food hamper to go along with the quilt.


  1. What an awesome project! Kudos to you all for keeping this a tradition.I know you must find joy in delivering this to a family.

  2. Love it! What a fabulous project to be a part of, I bet the family was thrilled!

  3. I love this idea! And I love to hear about others reaching out to those in need~ Thanks for warming my heart tonight :)
